Why not try something you already know?

You've had coffee before, right?

Chances are, you have tried coffee before but you probably haven't thought about nootropic coffee: The Shroom Shop have created a coffee with their signiture blend of nootropic mushrooms mixed within it. That means just one cup a day is all it takes to elevate your body and mind!


Do you ship internationally?

Short answer is yes. The long answer is we are still working on being able to ship worldwide aswell as accepting payments from all countries. The UK, US and most of Europe are covered.

For more information on our shipping, see our 'Shipping Policy' below.

Is my information safe?

Not to worry. At Sparkeez we have no reason to give your information away and we ask to use any of your information when we want it. For more, see our 'Privacy Policy' below.

What is your returns/refunds policy?

You have 30 days to return or request a refund from your purchase date. For more information see our 'Refund Policy' below.

Where can I contact you?

Our store chat function allows you to speak directly to someone from our team about anything you need and is open and usuable through most hours of the day. If you need further assistance, find our 'Contact Information' page below

What's included in the newsletter?

Don't worry, we aren't going to bombard you with emails about products. The newsletter is for customers to see the progress of your purchase in our mission and for other related updates. We will also have a section for discount codes you can use online.